Saturday, April 4, 2009

Soar Like Eagles

Wow!  My life this past month has been incredibly busy!!!  Ball games 3 days a week, trying to get to church on Wed nights (hopefully in time for a little choir practice), Bible Study on Thursday night, church and Sunday School on Sunday... and somewhere in there trying to keep my house in some semblance of order (yeah right!).

Unfortunately, I can tell Satan is trying to use all of this to get to me.  To tear down my foundation that keeps me going; he has definitely been on the attack.  If you don't believe in this... just try doing what you know is right and what God wants you to do.  It seems that he (Satan) has been attacking me from all sides! And he goes after us on the things that mean the most to us.  He TRIES to play mind games with us... he TRIES to fill our heads with all the lies... 

BUT, if our foundations are built on the ROCK and not the sand, he will not get to us.  Oh, he will try his best!  He throws his best darts at us.  Believe me, he has thrown some pretty good ones at me these past few weeks... he's had me in tears quite a few times... BUT, I HAVE SOMETHING THAT HE DOESN'T!!!! I have an AMAZING SAVIOR that loves me.  He picks me up, holds me close and says, "come here, come rest and lean on me". 

So, I say... Satan, get behind me.  My God and my Savior says that HE has everything under control!  He will not allow you to win!!!

But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, They run and don't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind. (Isaiah 40:27)