Saturday, December 13, 2008

When God speaks, a calm and steady force accompanies His Word and impacts your soul.  While your mind will work to rationalize and convince, God's voice simply speaks and its effectiveness conveys His authority. (Priscilla Shirer)


The Pressley Family said...

Yep!!! I've never really let him speak to me before until recently. What a peace it brings when you know you are really doing what He wants you to do!

Anonymous said...

Like Denise said, until recently, about a couple of weeks now for me, I have really begun to allow Him to speak to me. We have a choice, to always ask ourselves the questions like why does this keep happening, when is it going to give, how long, etc...Or we could just allow God to speak to us and remind us that you know, why are you worrying about things you need not to be, instead of seeking Me and relying on Me.
I know we are human and we are naturally going to try and figure situations out, but it's at that moment we can decide to turn it over to God.
God's will.
God's time.