Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Some of you may be wondering about the last few posts that I have put up.  These are just small excerpts from the Bible Study that we are presently doing entitled "Discerning the Voice of God" by Priscilla Shirer.  I have learned so much from this study and the previous one that we did by her...  I hope you enjoy and learn just a little from the posts that I put up... I really wish I had her wisdom and knowledge!  Enjoy!

Without knowledge of the nature of God, obedience to Him becomes more difficult, if not impossible.  The more you know and believe to be true about who God is and what He can do, the more willing you become to obey what He commands.
You can separate any other voice from God's by asking these questions:
  • Does what I am hearing reveal to me some truth about the character and nature of God?
  • Will obedience to this directive cause me to discover and experience an aspect of God's character?
When the enemy speaks to you he will distort the character and Word of God.  Anything that doesn't reflect the character of God is not a message from Him.

God doesn't just want us to hear about Him but to see and experience Him in our lives.

The more you believe about who God is and what He is able to do, the more willing you will be to obey what He asks.
(Priscilla Shirer)

I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You. (Job 42:5)