Thursday, November 20, 2008

Live Cheerfully

Have you ever seen these people that call themselves Christians and it's like they are ALWAYS angry or mumbling and muttering about how bad things are? Or how things aren't going their way. Or maybe they just don't like how things are being done.

If I have accepted HIS LOVE and HIS GRACE how can I be anything but joyful? Oh, I know I am going to have times when I am down and not as cheerful as usual. But, God promised me joy if I give Him what is rightfully His: my heart, my soul and my life!!! As a Christian I should always be lifting Him up and praising Him for His gift of grace to me! That alone should give me more joy than I could ever want for my life.

Christ can put a spring in your step and a thrill in your heart.
Optimism and cheerfulness are products of knowing Christ. (Billy Graham)

The happiest people in the world are not those who have no problems, but the people who have learned to live with those things that are less than perfect. (James Dobson)

Those who are pure in their thinking are happy, because they will be with God. (Matt 5:8)